Topless Soccer: Austria defeats Germany 10-5

I am not making this one up, in fact I am still searching for highlights of the game as well as images. Meanwhile the story is here and the basics for the topless match are as follows:

  • match was organized from a chat room
  • the women wore nothing other than thongs with their country colors painted on upper body
  • the crowd was mostly male…duh!
  • after party was on the beach for both teams with the losing team taking body shots, as spectators tagged along and kept cheering.

Jokes aside this was a serious game, in fact there was an injury….

“I hope our men will take heart from that tomorrow. We played pretty hard, we even had some injuries, like I for example broke my toe nail,” 29-year-old bank employee Doris Fastenmeir told Reuters.”

I am certainly looking forward to Spain vs. Sweden, who’s with me?

Updated, evidence is here – photo credit to reuters

Germany in black & white, Austria in White & Red…

25 thoughts on “Topless Soccer: Austria defeats Germany 10-5

  1. LOL thats one serious game…..alafu ati Spain Vs Sweden???/Ngai fafa! Sisemi kitu!

    and then for the world cup version Ethiopia vs. Brazil…

  2. LOL thats so interesting that is a match where I wouldn’t mind watching the action replays again and again and ………………..

  3. That’s one way to increase interest in football (soccer) here in the USA.

    I guess that’s why it’s called, “the Beautiful Game!”

  4. this game is a total discrimination of women of the bigger upper body persuasion! they can hardly run without ehhhhh……now can they?

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